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One of our top goals is to be a fun, loving, supportive community for our children and parents… to feel like a family of friends that are there for one another.  Another goal of Odyssey is to embrace the community around us, Carrollton, and beyond!



What a fantastic resource to grow up with … to be in a thriving University town!  UWG brings people from all over the country and the world to teach and attend the school.  That brings great diversity of thinking and experience, that we can be a part of. It’s a major goal of Odyssey to join together with UWG to collaborate with professors and students and the great number of staff that keep the University working and expanding. To take part in classes and mentorships and creative endeavors yet to be imagined!  And we in turn will be an outreach for the University to connect to the greater community around them! And we will connect them to young people who are ready to change the world!!!


It’s so important to teach our children that learning goes far beyond the walls of a school, and it makes life so much fuller and more enjoyable.  We will show our students at Odyssey how to knock on a neighbor’s door and how to have meaningful relationships with people that have a lifetime of experience to share.  People want to be needed and be asked to share what they’ve learned… it creates more meaning and joy in everyone’s life.

We will be partnering with Senior homes and villages, opening doors to a great untapped resource!  We all need these relationships… life can be so much more! When I went to the Senior home, talking about this idea they lit up with the idea of reconnection with young people and sharing!

I had a mentor early on in my painting career that changed my life forever!  And along the way my life has been forever blessed and supported by special, inspiring people.  Because I had those experiences, I want to give back in the same way… We moved back to Carrollton because I wanted to start mentoring and giving back to more people.  And then when we heard about Acton, I thought if we did this - we could exponentially impact so many more young people in our community. So we said yes to the adventure!

There is so much value in the people around us, so much more than what we can learn from textbooks!  So let’s make the decision to re-image education and awaken to the people and opportunities that are all around us!


They make the small towns of America, and all of America alive!  This is real life in action. We want to connect with all of their diversity and creativity and experience.  The children will seek out jobs/positions/skills/people that call to them in our surrounding areas and beyond.  And then they will take action to contact them to set up work experiences, apprenticeships and mentors. Making valuable, true friendships and connections with real people.


Everyone has value and we can each add joy to one another’s existence.  Start looking around and smiling!


We each have lots of different paths that we take in life, long and narrow and twisted and straight.  But wouldn’t it be nice to think that all of those paths com out in one big beautiful field of togetherness?


We want to connect with people who enjoy helping others in our community.

Life is bigger than ourselves.

Joy comes from not just receiving, but from giving.

We will be teaching our children greater understanding of others and other life circumstances, and a deep gratitude for what we do have.